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Tag Archives: thoughts


Just because he is free

Is he free?

Or just some

Emotionally coded bot?

It is a question of perspective

Whether he is even

Real or not?

Annoyingly subjective…



Pent up feelings

Are those expressions

Of borrowed limitations

Or connivance of

Shackled frustrations

The free ones are

Being bruited as

Mere imitations…



The rumor is that

He came

And without seeing

Owned it all

In a single gulp

But in the reflection

It seems

The devil was

Beaten to a pulp…(Juicy Juicy)




I am discombobulated,

enlightened , reverbrated..

and the enigma in the air

seems unsolvable, thoughts deviated..

I sense a renaissance.




Have I always been like this?

or, there is something that has

always been there, yet amiss?

Is it just perchance, an illusion

or,  is it really what I wish?

Anyway….I see a spider over my head.




I am floating, my dhow sank,

But when I know, and

I want you too to know, that I don’t know,

how to swim…

Is it just a prank?

Come on, I am riding a white shark.



“The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.”

– Robert Frost (1923)


Dreams…When they come

entice, excite, energize

and then fade away –

in the abyss of unconsciousness..

and worst that..

the story doesn’t end here.

Deep inside they rub their paws

and hit their heads


against the confinements of

our egos…

and beat the anthems of freedom

loud enough

…enough to resonate with

weak human emotions.

And the shrill goes on

cutting the furry attitude..

…like a scissor


with Judas cruelty.

They cry..and they dance..

leaving you to shiver..

afraid and alone

in the thoughts..

you misinterpreted as the hidden ones…

for the fear of being exposed.

They show you

the psychedelic colors of dark..

in the burning riot they perpetrate;

and  u just wonder…

…weather it’s the dark or the bright

that is so blind?..

..but can’t juxtapose.

And the longer u suppress…

the more u suffer

for their bairns..

born and grown on

dead rotten conscience,

are even more poisonous…

And they fight with their bodies..ghosts, the immortal soul,

and even reincarnate..

Just… come on the surface

and breathe…

with the dream of

being persuaded..

With just one confession

and the truest one..

“All this entertainment (huh!)

Was just for you..

For the dreamer.”…

Like me..


~ Leo