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Tag Archives: ego

I am being fed

into a rolling mill,

and still I am continuous,

for I am fed,

again and again,


Just because,

everyone wants me

to be the amorphous,


which they can

apply anywhere

smoothly..on a whim,

and which when

spread open,

equals..nothing but naught.

Just because..

they don’t like

the crystal of me

shiny, transparent,

natural, and untouched

for it’s rigid…

and fishy human egoes

are slain badly

by it’s harsh corners.

and when reflected in the sun

it outshines all..

moreover, it feels rude

to amateur establishments

and well defined directions

are hard to deal

for the human

who are born to be confused.

worse when exposed..

is the truth of transparency.

But the irony is that

they fail to notice


That I always

come out unscratched..

and can’t distinguish

a diamond..the precious

with a piece of chalk..

I am fed again…

The mill is still rolling.


(I appreciate their hard work..)
